Michigan Swing Voters Toeing the Line for Trump

Michigan Swing Voters Toeing the Line for Trump

If you’ve been following our swing voter project, you know that last month was the first time in 16 months of focus groups that the swing voters who voted for Trump in 2016 seemed to be breaking from the president. Well, any notion that the break last month was the start of a trend was busted with this month’s swing voter group made up of nine Obama-Trump voters from the suburban Detroit area.

This group of swing voters think the country is in trouble but don’t lay the blame on President Trump. Read this month’s findings to see what they had to say.

Here’s a couple of interesting things this group told us:

President Trump still has their vote — at least 7 of the 9 of them. Only 2 in the group say they would vote for Biden over Trump if the election was held “tomorrow.”

They feel life between now and election day will be chaotic, divided and emotional.

They feel that the demand to “Defund the police” is going too far and could have a negative impact on Biden’s chances.

And they largely want schools to re-open in the fall


View the highlights for yourself: 


Couple of direct takes from this group:

On the pandemic and re-opening the country…

“I believe [scientific experts] should be part of the guidance, but… if we listen to nothing but scientific guidance, we’d be shutting down every business in the country.”

On social unrest and the ramping up of protests in some cities… 

“They (protestors) are still burning buildings. They’re rioting. They’re doing things that aren’t going to bring us together. They’re doing more things that are going to bring us apart.”

Check out all the key findings in our July summary report



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