Re-opening Your Business? Here Are Some Safety Messaging Guidelines to Follow

Re-opening Your Business? Here Are Some Safety Messaging Guidelines to Follow

Some customers are eager to return, others need reassurance. Here’s how to message to them as you welcome them back.


Concern is on the rise, especially as COVID-19 cases spike throughout the U.S. “Is it safe to go to (fill in name of business)? Are they following proper cleaning protocols?” (What ARE the proper cleaning protocols? A lack of federal mandates around reopening businesses has further complicated the issue.)

This means that, as a business owner, the onus is on you. 

Need help putting these messages into action?  

We can help.

Our study revealed that hearing from a company directly can greatly greatly impact a customer’s comfort level. In short- they need to hear from YOU.

But keep in mind you are talking to 2 distinctly different groups:

                1. Those who can’t wait to come back (ready-to-go)
                2. Those who need some reassurances before they will spend at your establishment (assurance seekers)


From our research with returning customers, we have created a messaging cheatsheet.


Here’s some guidance to help you home-in on the right Welcome Back message for your audience.


Welcome back message chart


Assurance seekers want to see directive signs: what should you do after trying on a pair of shoes? Put them back on the rack? Give them to an associate to be properly cleaned first? They want to see that you are taking customer’s safety seriously and guiding them.

On the other hand, people deemed “ready-to-go” do not need as detailed messages. They want to hear that unlike many businesses, you are open again and further that you’ve got their back, all they have to do is enjoy.


At an unprecedented time like this, more communication is always better. Share your plans, procedures, and expectations upfront to address concerns. Surround your customers with “Welcome Back” messages that ease their mind. 


Every business is unique. We can help you fine-tune these messages for your audience. Reach out➜



*Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash – Image from Bali, Indonesia

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