08 Apr The “What to Say / What Not to Say” Matrix
It’s a client favorite: our “What to Say / What Not to Say” Matrix. After we dial-test and focus-group your message, we analyze and summarize the results in a report, which includes this ever-popular communication tool.
This is a distillation of what you wanted to find out when you started the message refinement process; your own personalized cheat sheet. You and your team will want it handy when you are designing any and all of your communications.
When dial-test respondents record strong agreement with your message (scores above 70), we’ll note that in the “What to Say section.” Messaging that causes significant dips or scores below 60 goes in the “What Not to Say” section. For example, which phrase sounds more credible to this group: “clean energy” or “renewable energy”? During post-video discussions we’ll find out why respondents turned their dials the way they did.
Both the “What to Say” and “What Not to Say” sections are organized by topic and ranked according to what’s most valuable to you.
And if certain language works great with one group of respondents but tanks with respondents of a different type, we’ll note that, too. The result? All this data and discussion enables us to craft your story in a way that hits all the right notes.
If you are interested in talking through your project, please reach out to us.
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