Video: Message Testing Delivers 24% Spike in Orders for NewMarket Group

Video: Message Testing Delivers 24% Spike in Orders for NewMarket Group

NewMarket Group is really, really good at direct marketing.

Company president Melissa Young wanted it to be even better. She turned to Engagious to find out how.

Rich Thau took a research team to Orlando, Florida, to meet with current NewMarket customers in two focus groups. Melissa and her team were there as well, to observe and occasionally to generate new material as needed.

Rich showed headlines and copy to the customers, then observed and probed their reactions: Which word caught your eye? Why do you trust this and dismiss that? Why wouldn’t you follow that link? He asked questions that Melissa’s team can’t ask in everyday customer interactions, and found answers that a customer survey won’t.

Melissa and her team took the findings, tweaked their offerings . . . and watched their revenue jump 10%, with returns at least three times (or more) the amount they invested in research. Not to mention the time savings. Melissa calls it “invaluable.”


NewMarket Group is a Baltimore-based publishing and supplement company, a division of The Agora, a global network of companies focused on health, finance, and lifestyle.

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